Entries for November 2015
This time of year it’s extremely tempting to put off projects, resolutions, and other “new” things until January. With the holidays ...
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Hashtags are your friend. Repeat after me: Hashtags are my friend.
They can be a little intimidating when you get started, but on platforms like Twitter and Instagram, they are absolutely necessary to maximize your posts. So let's cover some basics!
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Have you let your mind run wild with "what if's" before? Have you allowed that fear to keep you from putting content out there? It can be hard to get past the boundaries in your mindset to really push out the great content that is in your head and just waiting to come out.
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Hey! We're a small business, you're a small business. Let's celebrate!
We want to help you out over the holidays. You're alrea...
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You're trying to blog. But man, it's tough. Well I'm going to help you through the process over the next couple of weeks in bits and pieces, so let's tackle making those posts worth your time when you do get to them.
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We've wathed SNL at our house for as long as I can remember. My favorite bits have always been the fake commercials. They've had so many great ones over the years, but this one stands out in my mind. I remember watching these with my dad and him just laughing and laughing.
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I think we all deal with this. After a few years in the biz, I finally feel like I've earned some stripes, but still every once in awhile (or like every week), I feel like a humongus FAKE.
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We aren't talking about run of the mill writer's block—we're talking about that block that comes when you sit down to write a blog post or newsletter or some other piece of content for your business.
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Last week I joined my sister in Memphis for a couple days. We never get to hang out—in fact, since I left for college in 2000, we've haven't lived in the same state. So, we text and phone and try to be each other's cheerleaders long distance.
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