
Social Media Jargon—What does it all mean?

Posted on February 04, 2015 by Kara in Social Media

Earlier on this blog, I compared getting the hang of social media to learning a language. It’s actually a LOT like learning a new language. In fact, there are tons of new terms and phrases that you need to know and understand to best utilize social media.

Pagemodo gave us a really great headstart with this Social Media Jargon Dictionary. This includes some popular acronyms and hashtags that can give you a basic knowledge of what’s happening in the social media world.

Speaking of hashtags, we made a post a few months ago that highlighted how you should and shouldn’t use them. If you’re looking for more direction on how to use hashtags, check that out.

A few things we wanted to add:

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? Anything with “optimum” in it is generally something we want, right? Right. SEO is basically a way to get more traffic to your sites from search engines (like Google). Because let’s be real, who doesn’t use those? This video explains it better than I do.

One more thing we’d like to mention is the difference because social media and content. We love to help businesses get a handle on both types of marketing. Social media is the channels—Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Content is longer, original, and meaningful storytelling—blogging, infographics, video, newsletters, etc.

If you need help with either, give us a holler. And keep your eyes peeled for some upcoming posts and even maybe a course on mapping out your content and social media!