
Your Marketing – Time to Ask for Help?

Posted on November 05, 2014 by Kara in Work it Wednesday

Entrepreneurs are used to doing everything themselves. That’s how we’ve always done it. Additionally, cash flow is usually limited, so if there’s anything we can do ourselves (i.e. blogging or social media), we’ll try to. But with all the things that entrepreneurs and small business owners already undertake, social media and marketing can get lost under the pile of other, more pressing responsibilities. It can become frustrating or burdensome. Or even if you’re putting in the effort, it never seems to produce the ideal outcome.

Does this sound familiar? Then it’s time to ask for help.  There’s no shame in admitting that marketing is a priority—it’s just not getting done. You have more important things to do! Like run a business, for example. Luckily, there are a lot of people willing to help, but you’re going to have to ask. You can ask your friends, mentors, peers for help—ask them for their favorite resources, help brainstorming, a critical eye for your website. Join a group like #mombizmondays (a tweet chat group that meets on Monday nights) or find a small cohort of other business owners that can help each other.

Or, if you think you need a good amount of help, you can ask us! A consult could help you set goals and get you on track. A training session could give you the run-down on different social media platforms and how to best utilize them. Or just turnkey full service marketing—set it and forget it! We here for as little or as much as you need.

That’s it! That’s today’s #WorkitWednesday challenge—whether you ask for help you pay for (like us) or for free help/favors, today’s the day to ASK!