Happy Monday!
This Monday is a particularly exciting Monday for me because it kicks off finals week. Everyone generally hates finals, which I totally understand. I just don’t agree. I like finals week. I’m a pretty decent test taker and it means no classes. So thumbs up to that! This semester’s finals week is especially pleasant because all my crazy stuff happened last week and now I pretty much just have one final on Friday. For Spanish 1010. I think I can handle it.
That being said, not everyone has an easy week like me. To you, I offer my musical motivation: Panic! at the Disco’s Ready to Go. Pump it on repeat and it’ll help you get things done. My sister, Camille, used it to pump herself up for the bar. (The test attorneys have to take. Not the place to get boozed up.) And she rocked it. So maybe it can have that effect on you, too.
Have a good week and enjoy!